Friday, September 3, 2010

Ikaria, where people stay up late every night

We are on Ikaria and planning to leave for Samos tomorrow. Today and tomorrow we have a car so we can explore Ikaria more. They say the Ikarians are unique and a little crazy, seems true! We have gone to this taverna two nights in a row. There they have local food and lots of locals eat there. In this tiny hamlet there seem to be young people who have decided to continue living here. I think they have a sense for the value of the traditional ways of farming, etc. Down the road from our pensione is a donkey who is ready to help carry stuff at all times. He grazes all day and his, "saddle" is on the ground by the fence at all times. I saw one of these wooden saddles hanging in a tree next to the taverna last night. It took me a minute to realize it was not a decoration. No much decoration like we think of it here. Flowers or grapes overhead to create shade, basil in pots, potatoes and almonds drying on the roofs. We have picked some figs on the way to the market. Yesterday, a guy who was staying at our pensione received a present from a local (he visits every year). What he got was a backpack made out of a goatskin. It was ingenious. I'll attach a photo of him or Ben wearing it if I have one. Will download photo later 

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