Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Driving in Turkey- Again

We have lots of miles to drive each day to get to Istanbul on the 29th. We'll be there until the 5th of Nov. Each day  I am completely spent at night. It's been great but I have to say the Turkish driving is pretty crazy! People are routinely coming at  you on your side of the road (if that's convenient for them). 

Also, every road in Turkey is under construction. They are having an economic boom and all roads are being upgraded in a seemingly haphazard way (every few kilometers there's a kilometer of road under construction- dirt road with potholes,etc.). So, you just begin to make good time and then have to slow down to 15 mph for a while and avoid oncoming semis and potholes. 

People also park backwards and forwards- ie: on a street, people may park facing you as you drive down the right side of the road! Plus, at least twice a day there is a herd of livestock crossing the, "major" highway (one lane each direction, toggling back between well-paved and dirt). The other day we saw a really funny sight- did I tell you? A donkey (no cart or person) trotting down the correct side of the highway in the middle of the lane going the opposite direction. Truly, driving can be like a hallucination! 

Along with all of this there are amazing sights everywhere- castles on every high hill, Roman bridges still in use, swing/zip lines to houses across raging rivers, people threshing wheat, picking turnips, ox carts whole families riding on tractors coming back from the fields with unwieldy loads (women in long dresses and headscarves). Divine! 

I'll post some photos now.. 


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