Monday, December 27, 2010

the trans mongolian express is back in play

december 27th 2010
happy birthday pop!

The trans-siberian express appears to be back in play.  Jill just yelled: "chinese trains are cheap."  Ben just yelled: "i don't want to go to russia.  I want to go to india!"  Decisions--decisions.   On the lonely planet travel forum one writer describes the Mongolian steppes in January: "if you wear all the clothes you own, you might be comfortable."  Thankfully, the train itself is supposed to be very warm.

Yesterday we made a crisp forced march to Carouge.  The town was sunny and almost completely shut down.  Many businesses are not opening until Jan 3.  We did the free ice skating thing and had coffee at the one cafe that was open.  We seem unable to make the 8oclock bus to the mountains.  We might need a  snow stop on the way to munich.

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